This is a cha-cha shot of South Sister, the southern most of three peaks known as The Three Sisters in the Oregon Cascades. This photo was taken from the trail just after it crested the ridge about a mile from the trail head and was at a point on the trail that provided one of the first good views of the mountain after leaving the trail head and parking lot.
The camera used was an Olympus Stylus point and shoot and the film was Kodak color print film ASA 100. The stereo base is about six inches (slightly hyper). The 3.5 x 5″ prints were scanned on a HP Scanjet 4470c scanner.
A small point and shoot camera is ideal for this kind of shooting because one can shoot both images of the stereo pair within about three seconds of each other and all the while not lose sight of the subject, thus minimizing alignment errors. Once you become accustomed to the cha-cha method, shooting stereos with a single camera becomes second nature.